
7 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality

One way to be more successful in life is to be energetic and well-rested. If you cannot sleep well at night, or you put off sleep to do other things, it can add up. If you’re too sleepy you will not be as effective getting things done that you need to do. However, if you make sure you value your sleep by improving your sleep quality using these tips, you will be able to get more done each day with energy.

Turn Your Bedroom into A Sanctuary

Your bedroom should make you feel calm the moment you enter it. Spend the money on a good mattress, comfortable bedding, blackout blinds, and make sure the temperature is conducive to sleep. Additionally, remove all technology possible. If needed, get a sound machine to block out sounds. You want to create a relaxing place, and that enables you to sleep.

Eat Right and Stay Hydrated

Your digestion or lack thereof plays into your ability to sleep well. Eating a healthy diet at least 80 percent of the time will enable you to experience most of the results of a proper diet. Drink plenty of filtered tap water so that you can stay hydrated. If you drink enough water during the day, your body will grow accustomed to it, and you shouldn’t have to get up a lot in the night.

Go to Bed and Get Up at Relatively the Same Time Each Day

This is a huge key to being able to sleep at night. It’s especially essential for anyone who suffers from insomnia. The primary way to cure insomnia is to go to bed and get up at the same time. Eventually, your body will grow accustomed to it and sleep.

Turn Off Screens A Couple Hours Before Bedtime

The light from all screens is horrible for your circadian rhythm. The same thing is true of sounds like music that can be very distracting to your ability to enter deep REM sleep. Turn it all off and read a book. You can read on a book reader but make sure you’re using the INK technology to avoid the blue lights. 

Don’t Eat Right Before Bed

Eating before bed will divert your body’s energy toward your digestive system. That can cause you to get heartburn or experience other problems causing you not to have a deep and restful sleep. Try to avoid eating snacks two to three hours before bed.

Create a Sleepy Bedtime Routine

Just like children need nighttime routines for bed, it works for adults too. Humans thrive on routine, and even if you don’t like that, setting a routine for bed will work. Take a warm bath, wash your face, brush your teeth, drink some water and then get in the bed to read or meditate.  

Avoid Caffeine After 2 P.M. 

So many things that you eat, and drink have caffeine, you may not be aware of how much you are having. If you do have trouble sleeping, you may need to eliminate caffeine entirely. However, you can try to limit it first to see if that works.

The main thing is to set up your life so that you value sleep. It’s tempting to stay up late at night doing nothing just to feel like you have a life, but the best way to have a life is to sleep well each night and schedule your day better including asking for and getting help from family, friends, and people that you pay to help you.