Tools & Tips To Improve Yourself
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Work Smarter: Avoid Multitasking
Posted on August 24 2020
Many people think that burning the candle at both ends means that they’re a productive person. But the truth is, being productive has nothing to do with being busy. Being productive means that you get things done that impact the goals that you have set for yourself, whether it’s your personal life or business life. One of the biggest killers in our society of productivity is multitasking. If you really want to work smarter, avoid multitasking.
• Eliminate Distractions – Whether it’s junk piled up around the house, or your desk is cluttered at work, or that television blazing
How to Set Healthy Boundaries
Posted on August 21 2020
One of the best ways to take control of your life, get more done, and be happier is to know what you want and how to get it. Setting boundaries in life is one of the ways that you can experience more success because you’re stopping things from getting in your way by claiming what you want.
• Know Yourself – Before you can make decisions about anything in life, you need to know who you are, what your morals, principles, and ideals are about life. Plus, you need to have an idea of how to achieve what you
How to Motivate People
Posted on August 18 2020
When you want to be a leader, you must develop the ability to motivate others. To encourage others means that you encourage or spur them to act in a certain way, based on their desires and needs. To do this consistently, you need to honestly know what their goals are, what they want, what they need, and precisely what the desired results are as well as their value systems.
• Be an Example – People like to copy what they see. If you are positive, energetic, and passionate, they will be too. Whatever emotions and feelings that you want
I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside
Posted on August 17 2020
How to Live Your Life with Intention
Posted on August 15 2020
Many people seem to live without having any idea what they’re doing to do from one day to the next. They just let life happen and wind up wherever they wind up. However, this is a very stressful way to live. You can instead create a life of intention, much like when you plan a cross country trip, that even if you have a few interactions and off-road adventures, you’ll still end up in the destination you expected and hoped for.
Accept That You Always Have Choices
Even if you don’t like the choices before you, you still have them. Anytime you
How to Keep Your Mind Sharp
Posted on August 11 2020
Just like using your body will result in better muscle tone and health, so will using your mind. Keeping a sharp mind over a lifetime requires that you find new ways to use your mind so that you can light up new pathways, as well as take care of it properly in the first place so that it can work the way you need it to.
Keep Moving
It’s not enough to just go to work and come home even if you have a physical job. It’s essential that you add at least 150 minutes of moderately hard movement, like walking fast
10 Ways to Develop Your Self Control
Posted on August 7 2020
Self-control is exhibited when you demonstrate control over your emotions, desires, and actions or expressions of those emotions and desires.
So, while you may feel like screaming and throwing yourself on the floor when someone cuts in front of you, you don’t. Certain people make you want to punch them in the face, but you don’t. You don’t do these things because you have self-control.
There are other times you need to practice self-control that isn’t as obvious such as getting up and going to work each day by drinking 64 ounces of water to stay hydrated or by not stuffing an
10 Tips to Improve Your Memory
Posted on August 4 2020
Even if you think you have a good memory today, it’s one of those things that if you don’t put it to use, it does stop working. We are very dependent on our devices now to the point that most of us cannot remember our own phone numbers, but that doesn’t have to be the case if you know what to do. These ten tips will help you improve your memory.
1. Eat a Healthy Diet – What constitutes a healthy diet isn’t as hard as people make it. Eat enough calories for your body type, eat a wide
Good decisions come from experience - Experience come from making bad decisions
Posted on August 1 2020
10 Tips for Staying Focused During Difficult Times
Posted on August 1 2020
Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes the difficulty is personal in nature, and sometimes it’s environmental. Divorces, deaths, and many things happen in life, including storms, illness, and more that we have no real control over. Whenever something disturbing happens or something
1. Give Yourself a Break – Take a deep breath and just give yourself a break. You’re allowed to have bad days and feel like crap. It’s okay to take some time to wallow in your concerns or your issues. It’s good to feel the emotions you feel and let them all out so that
Ways Analyzing Your Weaknesses Can Make You Stronger
Posted on July 31 2020
While focusing on your strengths is a great way to get ahead in life, the truth is, analyzing your weaknesses, and then working on them by either improving your skill in that area or finding a way around the issue, can make you a much stronger person. Let’s look at all the ways you can become stronger by analyzing your weaknesses.
More Doors Will Open
When you reach out to learn more about the areas that you’re weak in, it’s amazing the doors that will start opening as you stretch yourself. For example, if you tend to be late for meetings, this
How to Train Your Subconscious Mind to Help You Succeed
Posted on July 29 2020
Your subconscious mind is a guiding force in your life that if you feed it well, it will help you push yourself toward success. The subconscious mind is always thinking even if you’re not totally aware of it at the time. It controls your automatic bodily functions and responds to what your conscious mind is telling it. To train your subconscious mind, you’ll need to be conscious about what you’re putting into your brain.
Visualize What You Want
You can use many methods for visualizing what you want, but the criteria should be that the vision needs to be very specific so
Guilt is not a response to anger; it is a response to ones own actions or lack of action
Posted on July 27 2020
How to Recognize Unconscious Bias and Break Out
Posted on July 27 2020
Biases include both favorable and unfavorable ideas, knowledge, and assumptions that affect the way we engage with the world. They are the things that your subconscious “knows” that you don’t even realize are informing your decision-making process. Every person on the planet holds unconscious biases that affect their behavior, preferences and even their treatment of others. Most don’t even realize it.
If you want to break out of your comfort zone, you’ll need to recognize, accept, and study potential unconscious biases because they could be causing you to make incorrect decisions.
Step #1: Accept That Everyone Has Biases
We are a product of
How to Forgive Without Forgetting
Posted on July 25 2020
The old saying that you should “forgive and forget” is probably one of the most damaging statements that have been made in terms of how it has affected a person’s ability to forgive. The main reason is that forgetting is not part of forgiving. Forgiving is done despite the wrong done, the results from it, and the memory that remains. So, how can you forgive without forgetting?
Forgiveness is About You Not Them
This is probably the hardest concept to understand. Many people wrongly think that forgiving means to let someone off the hook. This is not true. Forgiveness is something you