Tools & Tips To Improve Yourself
When I discover who I am, I'll be free
Posted on May 19 2020
How to Be More Trustworthy and Trusting
Posted on May 19 2020
One way to get more out of life and to become an influential person who is trustworthy is to be someone who has high moral standards and values and demonstrate that fact with your actions. The best thing about that is that the more trustworthy you are, the more trusting you will become.
Know Your Core Values
It’s hard to make decisions if you don’t know what you want your core values to be. For example, if you believe in peace, justice, and generosity as a core value, you can ask yourself before any choice whether the decision aligns with those values
Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it
Posted on May 17 2020
How Do I Tap into My Creative Mind?
Posted on May 17 2020
When people think about “creativity,” often they are thinking about typical things we all view as creative such as writing a novel, painting a masterpiece, writing a song, decorating a home or other thing that is seen as artful. However, creativity is much more than art.
If you want to tap into your creative mind, you’ll need first to accept that you have a creative mind, even if you’re not artistic or musical. Tap into your creative mind with these tips.
Start a Journal
Journals are fantastic at helping you analyze any situation so that you can come up with new solutions. There
I have everything I need to create my own opportunities
Posted on May 15 2020
I approve of myself and love myself deeply and completely
Posted on May 13 2020
I am naturally good at making decisions
Posted on May 11 2020
I balance work and play every day
Posted on May 9 2020
I am a born leader
Posted on May 7 2020
I'm firmly on the path of achievement and success
Posted on May 5 2020
All I seek is already within me
Posted on May 3 2020
I can create anything that I want
Posted on May 1 2020
Working Through Fear: Ending Success Roadblocks
Posted on April 30 2020
Some people fear failure, and others fear success. That might seem nuts to fear success, but success brings responsibility, and some people are afraid of that too. If you really want to be more successful it’s time to work through your fear.
Signs of Fear of Success
If you fear success, there is a chance that you actively avoid success. You don’t make goals, remember deadlines, or aren’t self-motivated, or often second-guess yourself. Making decisions is difficult for someone who is acting in fear.
In fact, fear of success is so intense in some people that it seems disaster strikes them anytime they’re
Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage and confidence in the doing
Posted on April 29 2020
What Do Your Dreams Tell You?
Posted on April 29 2020
While dream interpretation is often met with curiosity, it’s also seen as junk science. However, even if one interpretation of a dream may be conjecture and opinion, the fact is – dreams do mean something, and they can give you information that you need to create a successful and happy life.
If You’re Mentally Healthy
Many people report more dreams when everything isn’t going well mentally and emotionally. If you’re having a challenging time in life, that is going to show up in your dreams even if you’re not consciously aware of the stress you’re under.
For example, a common dream reported during
I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to
Posted on April 27 2020
10 Ways to Sleep Better Every Night
Posted on April 27 2020
Sleeping well every night is essential to your success. When you sleep better, you tend to be a healthier weight, have less anxiety, and it increases your ability to meet your obligations in life – plus of course have some fun too.
1. Eat Right – Try to eat enough nutritious foods during the day. Avoid any type of digestive issues before bedtime, to help you get to sleep each night without having to get up to use the restroom.
2. Exercise – Every day walk or do a form of exercise for at least 20 to 45
Never allow carping critics to deter you from success. Insead, silence them with it
Posted on April 25 2020
7 Ways to Develop a Wealthy Mindset
Posted on April 25 2020
When studying people, one thing that becomes clear is that if you were born into a middle or lower-middle-class family that had struggles making ends meet you will have a far different mindset, as compared to wealthier counterparts.
People can have different mindsets even if they had the same amount of money, but if the perception was that they had means, they acted differently than people who did not think they had means.
Define What Wealth Means to You
It’s crucial for you to define what this means for you. How much money do you need to earn to feel wealthy or to
A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal
Posted on April 23 2020
Ways to Control Unwanted Emotions
Posted on April 23 2020
Being at the mercy of your emotions can cause a lot of otherwise capable people to lose control of themselves. Not controlling your emotions can cause you to send the wrong message to people you are communicating with and even make people lose faith in you. Controlling your emotions doesn’t mean stuffing them and ignoring them, but it means overcoming the emotions to ensure that you make good choices.
Acknowledge Your Emotions
When your emotions are triggered, don’t stuff it down. Instead, feel the emotion and name it. If you are with someone this may affect, try to take a break so
There is a nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness
Posted on April 21 2020
Learning Strategies for Mastering New Skills
Posted on April 21 2020
Technology is advancing at unprecedented levels, and it’s only going to get faster. According to Moore’s Law all technological changes occur faster and faster doubling approximately every 18 months. Because of this fact, if you want to keep up in the world, continuously seek to master new skills.
If you want to master a new skill, it’s imperative first to ask and answer a few questions:
Are You Really Ready?
Do you have the right background to learn a new skill? For example, if you want to author a novel, what do need to add to your skillset? There are many processes to
We are what we repeatedly do - Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit
Posted on April 19 2020