Tools & Tips To Improve Yourself
Skills to Develop if You Want to Be a Public Speaker
Being a good public speaker can be a very lucrative career or an additional touchpoint as a leader. Sadly, public speaking is thought of by many as being one of the scariest things anyone can do. The thing that non-speakers don’t know is that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to be an excellent public speaker, you can learn how to do it. Once you learn you learn the tips, tricks, and grow more confident in yourself, you will probably wonder why you were so hesitant to try it out.
Stage Presence and Confidence
The best way to learn stage presence and confidence on stage is first to be confident in the knowledge you have about the topic. Trust yourself to learn how to do things the best way for yourself. Then, find a class such as a comedy class, speaking course, or even an acting class to help you feel more comfortable when you speak to a group.
Good Control Over Your Voice
If you’re not able to project your voice, it can be hard to speak for very long at a time. If your voice gets rough from talking a lot, it can be an issue with misuse. You can get help with this from a speech therapist or a coach, who works with orators, to teach them voice control and proper breathing techniques.
Understanding of Body Language
Body language is fascinating to study. There are cultural differences in how body language manifests and what it means to the society in which you live. Taking the time to educate yourself about your own audience as well as general body language can help you appear more welcoming and open during your talk.
Learning how to weave a story in your speech can make all the difference in how your audience receives the message you are giving them. Storytelling has been around forever. You can learn about storytelling by reading this book: The Art of Significant Public Speaking and Storytelling by Dan Clark.
Knowing How to Deliver Your Message to The Specific Audience
Most public speakers have one message that they deliver to every single audience they address. However, they don’t make the presentation the same each time. The reason is that every time they give the speech the audience is slightly different. Because of this they may use different stories, different words, different gestures, and different visuals to deliver the message. This makes it more easily understood by each audience.
Self-Awareness and Understanding Who You Are
Knowing who you are is a process that you must delve into. It might seem strange that you wouldn’t know who you are without studying yourself. However, many people were brought up by well-meaning parents who defined our personality, values, and more. Discover who you are, what you believe, and what you want to achieve so you can be more genuine in front of others.
Projecting Passion and Enthusiasm for Your Topic
An excellent public speaker shows how much the topic excites them, makes them feel, and propels them to act and why. Because of this the speaker can portray how important the topic is to them and signal that listening is also valuable.
Working on these skills will help you become a much better public speaker. Even if you have no experience speaking in public with practice, you can develop each of these skills so that you can become a confident speaker.