
Tips for More Effective Meditation

Many people have found meditation to be helpful in many areas of life. It can improve your mood, your health, and your entire life. It reduces stress and depression and increases your resilience. If you want to experience all these benefits, it’s essential to learn the basics from an expert.

Chose the Right Location 

Make it easy to meditate whenever you want to, by choosing a set location in your home, and, if possible, at work, that you can take a few minutes out of your day to meditate comfortably. You don’t want it to be too hot, too cold, too hard, or uncomfortable, but you don’t want to fall asleep either. 

Dress Comfortably

It’s hard to get relaxed to meditate if you have on tight clothing and a tie strangling you. At the very least, loosen your clothing so that you can sit without focusing on any material constricting you in any way. 

Sit Properly with The Correct Posture 

When you sit to meditate, set your posture the right way according to the type of meditation that you are doing. Most people sit “crisscross apple sauce” with their back straight on the floor. Alternatively, in a straight back chair with your feet on the floor. 

Close Your Eyes

When meditating, you don’t want things to intrude on your session. You don’t want to think about what you see, what you feel, or even what you are thinking about. Closing your eyes can help block out your surroundings so that you can focus on being. 


As you close your eyes to start meditating, smile with your whole face, not just your mouth. As you are meditating in that way, you’ll trigger more happy hormones to release, which will make meditating even more powerful and effective. 

Focus on Your Breathing

It does depend on the type of practice you’re engaging, but for the most part, you’ll want to draw in the air through your nose slowly, and then exhale slowly through the mouth. Some types of meditation use different speeds of breath. You can do it how you want to, but you should focus on it so that you are bringing in air to your diaphragm with each breath.

Use a Mantra

You’ll need to discover your mantra, and you can have more than one. A mantra is going to help you boost your meditation practice in ways you may not realize. It enables you to focus on now, but it can also make now, but it can also make you more positive. 

Set a Timer

It’s hard at first to get through even 5 minutes of meditation. For this reason, if you want to be successful, set a timer so that you can focus on the process and stop checking the clock. 

Mediation is very beneficial for everyone at every stage of life. Children can also benefit from daily meditation. The practice of meditation allows you to quiet your mind so that you can truly experience peace whenever you need to.