Tools & Tips To Improve Yourself
Skills to Develop if You Want to Be a Public Speaker
Posted on February 23 2020
Being a good public speaker can be a very lucrative career or an additional touchpoint as a leader. Sadly, public speaking is thought of by many as being one of the scariest things anyone can do. The thing that non-speakers don’t know is that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to be an excellent public speaker, you can learn how to do it. Once you learn you learn the tips, tricks, and grow more confident in yourself, you will probably wonder why you were so hesitant to try it out.
Stage Presence and Confidence
The best way to
Simple Ideas for Better Team Building
Posted on February 21 2020
Whether it’s a family, a social group, or a business team, team building is an essential element in working together to achieve common goals and harmony in any group.
1. Develop a Clear Vision – Work with the group to write a vision or mission statement so that you know what the group stands for and wants to accomplish. Knowing the values of the group can help individual members make a group-oriented decision.
2. Define Common Goals – Everyone in the group should know the group’s vision and work together to set goals and objectives. Each team needs
Is Lack of Willpower Holding You Back?
Posted on February 19 2020
Willpower is the self-control you exert to either take a healthy action or restrain unhealthy impulses. If you are determined to succeed, have strong self-control, and take the appropriate action, you can redirect unhealthy thoughts and emotions. Developing your self-control, sometimes called willpower, enables you to change your bad habits into good habits, which help you achieve your goals.
Trying to use willpower to accomplish life without understanding that it’s not very effective. Instead of self-discipline, what you really need is a vision, a goal, and a realistic plan. For most people using only willpower is akin to being dehydrated and
Effective Time Management Tips
Posted on February 17 2020
Time can be difficult to manage, since it’s a limited resource and you can’t control it in the same way you manage other aspects of your life. Time is finite in that we’re all given the same number of hours in a day. Because of this, time is one of your most valuable resources. To get the most out of your available time, manage it wisely. Prioritize what you do with your time according to what you deem to be the most important things in your life.
Double Check Your Goals and Objectives
To ensure that you use your time wisely, create
Why Strong Adult Relationships Make Your Life Better
Posted on January 31 2020
Strong, healthy adult relationships are defined by mutual respect, trust, and honesty. In addition, they also support you and have your back when needed. If you work to build strong adult relationships, they’ll make your life so much better in all the following ways.
You’ll Experience Less Stress
When you have a person, you can call on to vent your life is automatically much better. This is especially true if your relationship is open enough that your friend won't let you wallow in your anger for long. Instead, they’ll help pull out of the stress and focus on the good in your
7 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality
Posted on January 29 2020
One way to be more successful in life is to be energetic and well-rested. If you cannot sleep well at night, or you put off sleep to do other things, it can add up. If you’re too sleepy you will not be as effective getting things done that you need to do. However, if you make sure you value your sleep by improving your sleep quality using these tips, you will be able to get more done each day with energy.
Turn Your Bedroom into A Sanctuary
Your bedroom should make you feel calm the moment you enter it. Spend the money
7 Ways to Become More Grateful
Posted on January 27 2020
When you are grateful for something, you will show appreciation for it by saying thank you, but the feeling of gratefulness goes much deeper than just showing thanks. It’s more like a feeling than an action. It starts inside your brain and manifests itself by your actions. To increase your feelings of gratitude, follow these 7 ways to become more grateful.
1. Keep a Gratitude Journal – One of the ways to become more grateful involves practicing intentional gratefulness by writing down the things you are grateful for each day. You don’t have to be super detailed, just write
Easy Tips to Organize Your Work Life
Posted on January 25 2020
Depending on your situation at work, you should have some control over your time to a point. If you want to become more organized at work so that you can get more done follow these easy tips to organize your work life.
• Know What’s Expected of You – Before you can start organizing anything you need to know what is expected of you at work. What are the deliverables that you are responsible for, and how does that relate to what anyone else is doing? When you know where you stand it’s easier to get organized.
12 Tips to Help You Manage Anxiety
Posted on January 23 2020
If you suffer from bad anxiety, it’s important to acknowledge it so that you can get it under control so that it won’t stop you from thoroughly enjoying your life. These 12 tips to help you manage your anxiety will help.
1. Know What Makes You Anxious – If you have specific anxiety triggers that you know, make sure you track them. When you know that going to a PTA meeting makes you anxious you can help mitigate that with some preparation in advance.
2. Breathe Deeply While Focusing – When you do feel anxious instead of allowing
9 Tips for Avoiding Burnout
Posted on January 21 2020
If you are experiencing any symptoms related to burnout, you may be exhausted, moody, and ready to give up. You may be prone to emotional outbursts, falling asleep in the wrong place, and unable to focus and concentrate.
1. Know Your Why – If you don’t know why you are doing something, it can feel like it’s unnecessary and then that can make you feel pressured. Understanding the reasons for doing what you need to do will change everything about your life because you will know that you are doing it for a reason.
2. Systemize and Eliminate
Things You Must Do to Be Successful in Business
Posted on January 19 2020
If you want to be successful in business, no matter what type, there are some sure things that help you become more successful in business. If you do these things, you will be sure to experience success.
• Get Organized – It’s imperative that you set up best practices for your business using the right technology such as bookkeeping, sales funnels, and other automation that makes your business run smoothly.
• Keep Good Records – It’s essential to keep good financial records for your business for more reasons than just the taxman. Keeping good records helps you know
Effective Ways to Become Persistent
Posted on January 17 2020
Most of your life, you’ve been taught lessons about the value of persistence. You learned it from the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. In the story, the turtle moves slowly but persistently toward the finish line while the rabbit, though fast, doesn’t. The moral of the story is that being persistent is a lot more valuable than being fast.
• Know What You Want – The only way to succeed in life is to know what you want out of it. Whatever goal you want to work on knowing what the end looks like. Then you can
How to Communicate Better Online
Posted on December 31 2019
One of the most important skills you can learn is how to communicate. Sometimes it seems like the more tools available for communicating, the worse we get at it. Even when people speak the same apparent language, there are often huge misunderstandings that happen, especially when communicating online.
Choose the Right Tools
When you know who you need to communicate with, you should also have an idea of the type of medium you need to use to deliver the message. You may want to use email, social media, chat, text, conference software or something else entirely.
Know Your Goal
What is the point of
What Does it Mean to be Effective?
Posted on December 29 2019
If you are an effective person, that means that when you set out to do something it gets done, and it gets done right. If you say you’re going to increase sales by 10 percent, you set up a plan and do it. If you say you’re going to lose a pound a month, you set up the procedures in a logical order and then you do them. It’s that easy.
• You’re Proactive – Being proactive means that you see roadblocks and opportunities in advance, and you plan for them. When you set goals, you know that roadblocks
Traits of an Attitude of Abundance
Posted on December 27 2019
Having an abundance mindset for some people is not that easy. Most people are trained their whole life in the idea of scarcity. We learn about scarcity from our early days in school regarding natural resources, food, and money. The thing is, while that might seem true, the opposite is true if you just know what to do to make it so.
Ability to Engage in Big Picture Thinking
Setting audacious goals for your life, whether for work, business, or personal, is a key trait for those with abundant mindsets. They know how to break down the big hairy goal into small
The Most Important Key to Self-Reliance
Posted on December 25 2019
If you look up self-reliance in the dictionary, it will tell you that it means that you can follow your own capabilities, judgment, or resources in order to be independent. To do that you’ll need to learn to accept responsibility for everything you do without depending on what someone else says, does or thinks.
• Solutions Over Problems – A person who is self-reliant will look for solutions to any problems instead of focusing only on problems. Where most people see just complications, they see solutions.
• Don’t Blame Others – If you want to be self-reliant, you
Characteristics of a Great Leader
Posted on December 23 2019
To be a great leader, it’s imperative that you understand that not all leaders, famous or not, are “great.” Some of them are not good people. To be a leader who is remembered for good, try to match these characteristics of a great leader by building that skill for yourself.
• Full of Integrity – While there are leaders who are not honest, transparent or any of this, they are not great leaders. Dictators, while talented at getting their followers to follow orders, is not someone who should be a leader. True leaders are honest, forthright, and make choices
Building Trust with Someone Who Hurt You
Posted on December 21 2019
You may be shocked to learn that people make mistakes. Humans are inherently flawed creatures. Some things are worse than others, but for the most part mistakes that hurt people are not done on purpose. Forgiveness can happen, and trust can be rebuilt if both parties want it to happen.
• Forgive Them – The only possible way to ever rebuild the trust you had is to forgive them truly. Remember that most of the time forgiveness is something you give yourself and not someone else. However, if you’re going to rebuild trust you have to verbally talk to
8 Tips to Be More Honest with Everyone
Posted on December 19 2019
Dishonesty comes in many forms from hiding emotions, to little white lies, to more serious infractions such as hiding addictions or fraud. If you want to be a more honest person with everyone, it all starts with you.
1. Start with Yourself – Most lies start inside. You tell yourself that you’re only eating one serving as you shove another on the plate. It might even be more serious than that, but it always starts with lying to yourself before it moves on to lying to everyone.
2. Stop Doing Anything That Makes You Tell Lies – If
Creating Your Own Affirmations That Build Confidence
Posted on December 17 2019
One proven technique for building your confidence is to practice daily affirmations. An affirmation is merely making a statement to the universe about what you expect to happen positively. Using the declaration allows you to set your mind to make positive changes and perform better at work, at home, and everywhere.
You can look up affirmations online that have already been creating and use them, or you can learn to create your own affirmations that build confidence.
To create your own confidence-building affirmations, which are just positive statements, understand how you’ll use them by devoting time throughout your day to repeat them